Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Football is back...or at least it will be very shortly.  Players have reported to training camps, practices are underway, and we are just over a week away from the first preseason games.  Each new season brings with it a special sense of hope and expectation.  Everyone is in first place, crippling injuries haven't sunk anyone's playoff hopes yet, and there are no lob-sided trades to lament.  Yes, the weeks before the HHSFFL Draft are a stress-free time that some team owners will long for in just a few short months.  So, with little actual football to report, lets take a look behind the scenes at some of the HHSFFL's most diehard supporters as they audition for roles on various cheerleading squads throughout the league.

With two teams changing their logos this year, new uniforms were necessary.  I'd have to say that the Little Giants and the Malibu Beach Sharknados have done excellent jobs.

Hawkeye Nation seems to have lowered their standards a bit with this years sideline entertainment.  Perhaps ownership prides themselves on being an equal opportunity employer.  I must admit, this seems to be one area where viewers wouldn't want to see corners being cut.  If this is the type of product they are going to be putting on the sideline, I'd be worried about what kind of a product they are going to put on the field.      

Leave it to the advertising geniuses at the Mad Men to find the perfect location to promote their team logo.  Expert efficiency in terms of advertising space.   

The Mean Machine Graeber Dancers below have gotten very creative this off season with their wardrobe and choreography.  The auditions have been grueling, held in the yard during free exercise from 11 - 2 every day, between laundry and group showers.  This squad may not be much to look at, but remember that the Mean Machine is pulling its talent from an all-male, maximum security prison.  Reportedly ownership has filed a grievance with the warden in hopes of obtaining access to the women's prison down the road.  Although I'm not sure that would look much better.

P.S.  If you don't think this article was just so I could post pictures of hot girls and make fun Graeber and Hamilton along the way then you obviously don't know me very well.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Right now the thoughts and prayers of the Bayside High Tigers and the rest of the HHSFFL are with the victims of the recent Sharknados that wreaked havoc on the Los Angeles area beaches last week. A freak hurricane formed over the Pacific Ocean, causing thousands of sharks to swarm the Southern California coastline.  Tornados touched down over water, lifting hundreds of sharks at a time into the air before dropping them on unsuspecting tourists and beach goers.  The video below is raw footage of the storm.  It may be too graphic for some viewers to handle.

In a show of support, the Bayside High Tigers have dedicated this season to the victims of this tragedy that hit so close to many of their homes.  The Tigers will be playing this season under a new logo as the Malibu Beach Sharknados, and the organization has promised to donate 100% of its revenue from merchandise sales to help the families of those affected to rebuild and recover.