Thursday, August 30, 2012


Over the last 48 hours the HHSFFL Headquarters has been a whirlwind of activity.  One team removed itself from the league, another took its place, only to have its invitation withdrawn hours later.  The HHSFFL thankfully was able to extend an invitation to another worthy franchise.  Below, is a timeline of the events of the last 48 hours as this whole saga played out.

Monday @ 2:17 PM:  Rumors made their way to the HHSFFL Headquarters that one of its members was considering leaving the league. 

Monday @ 4:48 PM:  The HHSFFL Commissioner was officially informed that Team Ghosh would be unable to attend the draft, and therefore, was looking to withdraw from the league if agreeable terms could be reached. 

Monday @ 5:38 PM:  Greco awoke from his second nap of the day.

Monday @ 6:21 PM:  After conversing with the HHSFFL Treasurer, an official invitation was extended to the first name on the membership waiting list.  However, due to the short notice, it was uncertain of the potential owner would be available to attend draft night.

Tuesday @ 10:38 AM:  The invitation was officially rejected on the grounds that the potential owner had already entered another league. 

Tuesday @10:46 AM:  King contacted LaDanian Tomlinson, Clinton Portis, and Brian Westbrook to gauge their interests in coming out of retirement.  Feelers were also sent out to Barry Sanders and Walter Payton.

Tuesday @ 11:42 AM:  The HHSFFL Commissioner made a personal visit to two members of the HHS Guidance Office in hopes of securing a bid for the open spot.  Using flawless salesmanship, the Commissioner was able to obtain a verbal commitment on the spot. 

Tuesday @ 12:58 PM:  Golden went to Homegoods for the third time in 24 hours.  He bought scented candles and lace doilies before informing the cashier (who did not ask) that his shirt "gets results".  

Tuesday @ 1:52 PM:  An official invitation to join the HHSFFL was sent electronically to the two newest, and first female owners in the leagues history.  

Tuesday @ 4:03 PM:  Franchock issued his daily reminder his wife and kids that the Forgotten Gods are the only two-time HHSFFL champion.

Wednesday @ 9:53 AM:  The result of the mandatory background check came back and, under the code of conduct guidelines, the league was forced to rescind the invitation. 

Wednesday @ 10:26 AM:  Meetings among the top ranking HHSFFL officials took place, where they debated their possible courses of action. 

Wednesday at 10:41 AM:  Flanagan farted.

Wednesday @1:48 PM:  After extensive discussion it was decided that the HHSFFL would invite Papa Greco into to join. 

Wednesday @ 10:09 PM:  Papa Greco officially accepted the league's invitation and all paperwork was finalized. 

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