Thursday, October 16, 2014


Well it's the middle of October which means the foliage is in peak season, the Golden Child could be born any day now, and the commissioner is falling behind on articles to write.  So, while I sit here and watch my third hour of pre-game coverage for the Patriots bitch-slapping of the Jets I figured it was time to hand out some midseason grades.

Now, understand that this is a process.  The grading rubric is based on a team by team analysis of evidence for 33 clearly defined elements and will be used to develop a summative evaluation of each franchise.  Franchises that are determined to need improvement will be placed on an official improvement plan, while those categorized as proficient will be encouraged to develop self-directed growth plans to improve for next season.  After all, fantasy football is an ever-changing field and the HHSFFL is consistently looking for new ways to grow.


  1. MEAN MACHINE (5 - 1) - Talk about multi-tasking during the draft.  
  2. LITTLE GIANTS (5 - 1) - Have you guys seen this?  Take a look.  Be honest...nobody saw that one coming.  Then again, leading the division after week 6 is like leading the Masters after the first day.
  3. VANDALAY INDUSTRIES (4 - 2) - Your parents must be proud.
  4. TMIFFTITW (3 - 3) - General Manager Demetrius Williams might be the Executive of the Year.
  5. GREEN MONSTER (3 - 3) - Victims of a tough schedule.  Better than their record.
  6. HAWKEYE NATION (4 - 2) - Benefactor of a weak division.  Worse than their record.
  7. DELTA HOUSE (3 - 3) - Will ride Peyton Manning to the playoffs and then choke under pressure...because that's what Manning does.
  8. COBRA KAI DOJO (3 - 3) - I owe this team a sincere apology.  I'm not going to give it to them, but I admit that I owe one.  
  9. SHAKE & BAKE (3 - 3) - When the playoffs start these guys might be on the outside looking in...but not in a creepy way.  More like in a sad I didn't get invited to the party kind of way.
  10. NECESSARY ROUGHNESS (3 - 3) - A bit more roughness might be necessary.  
  11. BAYSIDE HIGH TIGERS (3 - 3) - That draft app was unrealistically optimistic.  
  12. MORLOCK NATION (2 - 4) - Seeing this team down here is kinda like the rich kid having to get a job.  I'm secretly enjoying it....ok I'm openly enjoying it.
  13. UPPER DECKERS (2 - 4) - Yep...smells like an upper decker.
  14. FORGOTTEN GODS (3 - 3) - Proud to be able to contribute to one of this teams two wins.
  15. MAD MEN (1 - 5) - The all Patriots fantasy team.  
  16. KEARNEY VORES ( 1 - 5) - Just because you're roster sucks doesn't mean you can't fleece Flanagan for a trade.

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