Saturday, August 24, 2013


Breaking news out of the HHSFFL late this afternoon.  Apparently Forgotten Gods ownership, upset about missing last year's playoffs, have pleaded with the HHSFFL between sobs and snot bubbles, to move the draft back to their home turf.  Since the league's expansion to 16 teams and the opening of the official HHSFFL headquarters in Milford, the Gods have fallen on hard times and struggled to compete.  The Gods have hosted the draft three times and in that span, won two C-Cups.  The third, went to the phantom Mr. Kessler.  Has anyone met him yet?  #conspiracytheory

I'm sure with this move, the draft will look just like old times.  Franchock's dog will suspiciously run in and out of the draft room each time the Gods are on the clock.  The mysterious Mr. Kessler will be advising all personnel moves via an AOL chatroom.  And, of course, the Gods will once again land a top three lottery pick.

While the commissioner could not be reached for immediate comment, sources deep inside the HHSFFL have confirmed that the HHSFFL Draft will not take place in Milford as originally planned and has been moved to the Panther's Layer on Route 135. A memo will be sent to all league owners informing them of this change within the next 24-36 hours.

A source close to the commissioner, who requested to remain anonymous, claims that Commissioner Greco simply felt bad and just couldn't stand to see another grown man weep like that.  I mean, it's not like his own teams have been tearing it up in recent years.  But complaining about Jones-Drew's lisfranc injury last year or the fact that a certain unnamed owner still owes him $100 for not saying QB6's real name just looks unprofessional.  I'm sure there will be some fabricated story about being strapped for childcare to save face about why the request was made.  But don't be fooled.  Even though the conversation took place through email, I'm 73% sure it looked a lot like this on the other end...

P.S.  I bet if yesterday we all made a bet about the things we thought would never show up on this blog, a crying James Van der Beek would have been near the top of that list.

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