Friday, September 14, 2012


Well, I tried to be the bigger man and publicly support my players.  But I just can't do it.  I can't lie to myself and I can't lie to the fans of the HHSFFL.  I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for my indiscretion.  I got caught up in the moment and said some things I shouldn't have.  You all deserve better from me.  I'm sorry.  I'm officially off the QB6 train.  I was right the first time.  This guy is just downright terrible. 

I'm not sure if the image above is me watching my fantasy team just completely implode or if its QB6 crying about his protection last night.  Honestly, what do you think is going to happen when you hold the ball in the pocket for 48 seconds with Clay Matthews rushing from the outside?  Did you not think he was blitzing?  Did you think that fat excuse for a left tackle was going to block him for a minute straight?  Yell at him some more, that seemed to help.  Didn't look like the Packers' secondary needed much luck covering your binky Brandon Marshall last night either.  The guy was completely taken out of the game to the point where he couldn't even catch a ball when he was open.  Please for the love of God, someone make sure Mike Tice tells his quarterback what color jerseys his receivers are wearing next week.  There seemed to be some confusion about that last night.

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