Friday, August 30, 2013



Cobra Kai - Weak sauce here.  Missed on Rice (should have drafted Spiller), McFadden (this is not the year), and Kaepernick .  Put too much value on rookie wide receivers and not enough on rookie running backs.  And what happens in weeks 7 and 8 when the Dojo doesn't have a third running back on the roster?  Grade:  F

Hawkeye Nation - Lots of upside here.  Forte is reportedly going to get all the goal line carries, Amendola will have a monster year if he stays healthy, and grabbing Vick in the 7th round was a steal. Of course, all three of those guys have had injury problems in the past.  Bench is a bit thin, but if they all stay healthy I don't see any major holes.  Grade:  A-

Mad Men - Potential to have the top RB, WR, and QB but it drops a bit after that.  Vereen could have a good year, Davis could have a good year, and Givens could have a good year.  That's a lot of stars that need to align, but it could happen.  Grade:  B-

Kearney Vores - I want to like this team and I don't have a good reason why I don't.  I guess I think 2nd overall pick should have been a stud RB and a QB would have been a better pick in the third round.  I'm sure DeMarco Murray is a nice enough guy, but I don't like him.  Not sure why.  Just don't.  Don't over think it.  Grade:  C

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