Monday, September 1, 2014


Rotowire Prediction:  6 Wins
Predictably, Coach Genero went QB in the first round, grabbing Brees, and you heard it here first, I think Brees ends up with better numbers than Manning this year.  Risk vs. reward grabbing Rice in the third, but how do you not grab Bernard Pierce two rounds later?  Instead, it was a sentimental pick grabbing The Law Firm a few rounds later.  He was just released.  So now, you're going to start Roy Helu for two weeks?  That's like thinking you can get by with single-ply toilet paper.  It's just not going to cut it.
My Draft Grade:  C-, Clearly you have other plans during the playoff weeks.

Rotowire Prediction:  10 Wins
Upside, Upside, Upside.  Giovani Bernard is poised for a big year now that the Law Firm has been cut.  Demarco Murray will be solid and I think Fred Jackson has more left in the tank than anyone gives him credit for.  Andre Johnson will struggle because some Ivy League nerd is throwing him the ball, but I'll bet Michael Floyd surpasses Larry Fitzgerald in Arizona.  Mean Machine must have been doing more than watching porn.
My Draft Grade:  B+, Seriously, you should delete your browser history.

Rotowire Prediction:  8 Wins
Calvin Johnson at 11.  Are you fucking kidding me?  I won't even complain I didn't get him at 12.  I'm just not sure how he dropped that far.  Stafford doesn't have eyes for anyone else.  It's kinda sweet actually.  Nice grab there, gotta hand it to you.  But I do have a follow up question.  Were you aware that Eric Decker is now playing for the Jets?  You do know that Geno Smith is now is quarterback, right?
My Draft Grade:  C+, Don't feel bad though, lots of people fear success.

Rotowire Prediction:  11 Wins
I'm not sure why this team is only predicted for 11 wins.  I can't seem to figure it out.  I think Charles might drop a bit from last year, but will still produce top 5 numbers.  I dislike anyone on the steelers, but Antonio Brown is about the only passing option Roethlisburger has left.  And I think Ryan Matthews is going to continue improving on last year's success.  Seriously, what am I missing?  Ohhhh, right....haha.  How could I have missed it.  You drafted QB#6.  It's cool though, I'll bet she can't finish a whole beer either.
My Draft Grade:  F, Like drinking too much on your wedding night, you messed up a sure thing.

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