Saturday, September 14, 2013


It's been a rough start to the HHSFFL season for the Sharknados.  All the pre-season braggadocio exhibited by the Sharknado front office seems to be completely unfounded at this point.  Ownership spent the second half of last Sunday's Patriots win over the Buffalo Bills doing the same thing as their second round pick...watching the game.  Its generally not a good start to the season when a fantasy team waits until the 16th game of the weekend to score a touchdown.  Yes, you read that correctly.  The only Sharknado to step foot in the endzone last weekend was none other than Mr. Disappointing himself, Ryan Matthews.

And sure, it's just one week.  Nothing to panic about.  I'm sure Ridley will come back strong against the Jets now that Vereen is out for 10 weeks.  I mean, the Pats will probably be up big at halftime and just be looking to kill clock in the second half.  This should be an easy 100 yards and a TD game, right?  Nope....four fucking points.  But hey, on the bright side he doubled his output from week 1.  So things are looking up.

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