Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I'm not sure I like who I become during fantasy football season.  I'm fairly certain I turn into an awful human being, wishing terribly violent things on people who don't deserve it.  This week I hate Jacquizz Rodgers.  I've never met him.  He's never done anything to personally wrong me.  In fact, I'm sure he's a perfectly nice guy.  I'll bet he even spends some of his time doing charity work and visiting kids hospitals and stuff.

But I hate him with the fire of a thousand suns right now.  He didn't hurt anyone.  He just went out and did his job better than he has all season at a time that happened to be inopportune for me.  And I find myself wishing horrible things on him because of it.  I was expecting to win the high point total this week.  I didn't think there was any way Rodgers would make up the 14 points Morlock Nation needed going into Monday night.  I thought this was my shot to win back a little bit of the money I so generously donated to the pot five weeks ago.  But no.  Fucking Jacquizz Rodgers has the Goddamn game of his life.  Burn in hell, Jacquizz.  Burn in hell.

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