Thursday, October 31, 2013


  1. Shake & Bake - Averaging almost 100 points per week and 27 farts per day.
  2. Little Giants - Owner being investigated for sending creepy selfies to Peyton Manning.
  3. Green Monster - Two straight losses...but still one of only two teams with 6 wins.  
  4. Morlock Nation - A master of the waiver wire and scratching himself.
  5. Mean Machine - On pace for the biggest cupcake schedule in the history of the HHSFFL.
  6. Mad Men - Doug Martin...Nice pick up.
  7. Delta House - In serious contention for mediocrity.
  8. Kearney Vores - On the outside looking in...very creepily.
  9. Necessary Roughness - Master of weak trade offers...and skid marks.
  10. Kane is Able - I'm not putting any team with QB#6 in my top 8.
  11. Bayside High Tigers - Maybe try starting a full line up this week...just a thought.
  12. Vandalay Industries - This is where receivers go to die.  
  13. Cobra Kai Dojo - At least the fantasy soccer season should be starting soon.
  14. TMIFFTITW - Tough loss last week...this week's loss should be easier.
  15. Forgotten Gods - Even money on Steelers or Gods finishing the season with more wins. 
  16. Hawkeye Nation - Perhaps its time for a new hobby.

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