Friday, October 11, 2013


Cobra Kai Dojo has made a blockbuster trade, sending Ray Rice and Coby Fleener to Bayside in exchange for Stevan Ridley and Cecil Shorts III.  The move brings depth at receiver to the Dojo while giving the Tigers more strength at running back so most analysts are calling it a win for both clubs.  The Dojo, however, feels they got the better end of the deal.  

Sensei Kreese, currently on a sabbatical from the team to receive treatment for a gambling addiction, could not be reached for comment.  Terry Silva, however, was able to take a few minutes away from the All Valley Karate Tournament to speak with us.  "Ray Rice shows too much weakness." Silva stated.  "There just isn't any room in the Dojo for mercy.  Mr. Ridley and Mr. Shorts bring new techniques to the Dojo, not just that weak crane crap.  Now the real pain begins."  

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