Thursday, October 17, 2013


  1. Green Monster - Don't be distracted by the owners lack of style.  This team can play.
  2. Mean Machine - Keeps finding ways to win...still hasn't found time to floss.
  3. Mad Men - Jones gone for year.  Ryan on a bye week.  Still gets high point total.
  4. Little Giants - Ryan Matthews trade looking better this week.
  5. Shake & Bake - Team keeps scoring.  Owner keeps farting.  
  6. Morlock Nation - Your guidance counselor was're extremely average.
  7. Bayside High Tigers - Ran out of salsa this week.
  8. Delta House - Better than last year...but still not good.
  9. Kane is Able - Anyone hear that popping sound?  Was it Cobb's leg or your playoff hopes?
  10. Kearney Vores - On the outside looking in...very creepily.
  11. Vandalay Industries - Might be developing a latex allergy.
  12. TMIFFTITW - Nothing interesting here.
  13. Cobra Kai Dojo - Sensei Kreese seems to have gambled away all of the talent.
  14. Necessary Roughness - On the bright side, fantasy hockey season is starting.  
  15. Hawkeye Nation - Made a statement last week...the statement was "We are terrible."
  16. Forgotten Gods - I'm not mad...I'm just disappointed.  

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